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Large mid 19th c. Primitive Creel Styled Basket  Large mid 19th c. Primitive Creel Styled Basket  Large Early Primitive Creel Styled Basket  Child's Indian Headdress Ceremonial Shirt, Chief
                Graphic, Tomahawk

Large Early Primitive Creel Styled Basket  Large Early Primitive Creel Styled Basket  Large Early Primitive Creel Styled Basket  Large Early Primitive Creel Styled Basket  Large Early Primitive Creel Styled Basket

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This is a fabulous piece for your Cabin display or rustic decor. Told to be Inuit or French Canadian.

A charming fishing creel or trapping basket in one with a distinctive bulbous profile. I would imagine the maker had his use purposes when he made the piece. It's both creative and extremely attractive.
Estimated age, approx. 1860s - 70s. Unique in design with a great deep girth. and the handle appears to be a large bentwood root shaped in an arch throughout the weave.
The lid is reinforced at the edge for sturdiness and the latch looks to be hammered handmade steel of sorts. The locking piece is gone and there is damage to the bottom,
(see last photo) and notably the maker or owner broke a hole at the top for convenience. If only the piece could talk....

Approx. overall height with handle 18.5". Body alone is 14" tall.
Approx. overall width is 19" and the depth, 13".

Condition and wear consistent with age and use. This is in nice shape for the era and the fact that it's been stored for years. Again, great display even with the minor damage. Definitely a one of a kind piece.

Please see photos and email with any questions prior to purchase. Thanks for looking.